Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Shoe Storage Ideas for All Your Shoes

Every pair of shoes inside your closet goes with a story, a memorable date, a job well done, or just any fun memories you’d want to treasure forever. Every crease, every fold has something to tell about your adventures and those heels had helped you walked with confidence more than once.

If you see your shoes this way, it is only appropriate to treat your footwear with care and dedicate some of your time to store and clean them properly. Different wholesale women’s shoes has different storing needs, and keeping them the right way can ensure you of their longer useful life.

Here are some examples of creative and effective ways to store your shoes.

  • Individual Storage Box

If you are serious about your shoe collection, putting them individually inside a storage box can do great things to protect your shoes from dust, parasites and dusts. Label each box and stack it up to help conserve space inside your bedroom.

  • Pocket Shoe Organizer

Instead of just keeping your shoes near the door entrance, why not put a pocket shoe organizer at the back of your door. It will hold at least few pairs of light weight sandals and doll shoes. As well as some canvass shoes and some slippers.

  • Wall Mount Shoe Racks

Put your gorgeous wholesale high heeled pumps on display and impress your guests with your space saving skills as well as your taste for fashion. This will also make it easier for you to choose what to wear with your outfit of the day. Put the low heels and boots in other storage area inside your room for a more organized look.

  • Under the Bed

Use the extra space under your bed to store your shoes especially the ones that are out of season. Make sure to clean and air your knee high boots or combat shoes before storing them away in the summer. Use a storage box or a special shoe box to protect your collection from dusts or insects while hidden under your bed.

  • Shoe Cabinet

If you have the luxury to buy shoe cabinets that can accommodate all your shoe collection, you must be very lucky. Choose a shoe cabinet that can save a lot of space inside your room.  Arrange your shoes by style and color to make it look neat and more organized.

Treat each pair of shoes you own as an investment. And just like any other thing that is important to you, your shoes deserve a special place in your room - may it be on the shelf, under the bed, or inside your closet.


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